“My Classical Passion” is an album comprised of pieces that have deeply affected me along the path of my own musical journey of discovery, on which I continue to travel and grow. Rather than selecting to record typical pieces from within the standard Classical Trumpet repertoire, I specifically chose to use pieces that I felt I actually had something unique, new, or at least different to say on them.
As you will hear, my intended design of the album was to appeal to a wide variety of listeners: complex and intense enough for the actual Classical aficionado—but still light and listener-friendly enough for the majority of ‘regular people’ who probably have much other preferred tastes in music. My goal was to make an album that ANYONE and EVERYONE could enjoy and will want to keep in their frequent listening queue.
Symbolically from the sun-up of CBS’s Sunday Morning theme until the sun-down of Leroy Anderson’s Lullaby, my mind is always busy working on my music. I hope you will enjoy this brief glimpse into My Classical Passion.